It is not very difficult to start working at freelance sites. Generally, these sites are simple to join and they all work in similar manner. The way of working is user friendly. Freelancer sites are free to join. It definitely means that you need not to invest a single penny to start making money online from these sites. All that you need is a computer system, a good speed internet connection as well as a strong desire in you to earn money.
Some freelance sites require ask you to pay some money for upgrading free membership to paid membership but that is only optional. That is for those who want to earn money a little faster. By upgrading, you can use some additional features of freelance sites and it increases your chances of winning projects at freelance sites. Sometimes, some jobs are specifically reserved for the paid members as employers feel that paid member are regular contractors of that site. However, not all the freelance sites have this option of upgrading from free membership to paid membership.
At freelance sites, you have absolute freedom to choose the type of work that you want to do. If you have technical knowledge, then you can choose projects related to programming or other IT projects, similarly if you are good at typing then data entry projects would be best for you, if you are good at writing or translation jobs, then writing and translation jobs will best suit you and so on. Freelance sites have different categories of work suitable for different kinds of people. In addition, the most important thing about earning money online through these freelancing sites is that you are your own boss here. By taking different projects on these sites, you will be working with different people across the world.
All freelancing sites have two types of accounts:
1. Buyer’s account
2. Provider’s account
Buyers or employers are the people who want to get their work done by freelancers. They outsource their required jobs at these freelance sites. On the other hand, providers or contractors are people who are in search of work for making money. The buyers or employers post their jobs on freelance sites in which they provide description about the work that they need. They also provide details about the time limit in which they want to get their work done as well as their budget for the project. The providers or contractors place bids for the projects that they want to work upon. They place their bid with a cover letter or PM in which they try to convince employer to give them work.

The buyers or employers study the bids received by all the freelancers and then send invitation to interview to those freelancers that they feel might be suitable for their work. After the interview, all the terms are settled between employer and contractor and job is filled with suitable candidate. The employers or buyers are free to choose the person that they find suitable for their work.
I think that was enough to give you the basic idea about the functioning of freelance sites. In the next post, we will discuss about the further aspects of working at freelance sites.